Talithia Williams, Ph.D.
We should not need any books on female mathematician role models but alas, while women are still under-represented in math and under-valued in the world, we do. Power in Numbers is a blast of much-needed fresh air through the cobwebs of mathematical stereotypes. The whirlwind tour of the lives of 30-plus female mathematicians across hundreds of years is galvanizing, and completely destroys any lasting myth that mathematics is only for unsociable white men.
Eugenia Cheng, Mathematician
Author of "How to bake Pi" and "Beyond Infinity"

"Power in Numbers is a blast of
much-needed fresh air through the cobwebs of mathetmatical stereotypes."
From rocket scientists and code breakers to computer programmers and data scientists, discover the incredibly inspiring stories of more than 30 women who fought through the obstacles, shattered the stereotypes, and embraced their STEM passions. Loaded with more than 200 photos and original interviews with several amazing women in mathematics, this is your chance to be moved, to be inspired, and to celebrate the women who have turned the male-dominated math world upside down!
"If we ask most Americans to name a mathematician, few would mention a woman. Power in Numbers shatters the myth that women don’t excel in math. What makes it especially inviting is its emphasis on the personal development and experiences of the author and each of the mathematicians she profiles. The book will inspire not only girls, but also teachers, professors, and parents with daughters."
Freeman Hrabowski, President
University of Maryland at Baltimore County (UMBC)
Author of Holding Fast to Dreams: Empowering Youth from the Civil Rights Crusade to STEM Achievement